So Here For It

So Here For It

Hosted by: Amy Mingin

So Here For It is about all the things I have educated opinions for, and will share with you from my years of experience in Health, Business, Relationships and Mindset.


S1 Ep5 - The HIIT Myth, Exercise For Women That Works

Season #1

Most women think that if they eat less and exercise for longer and harder, that they will lose weight. Somewhere along the doesn't work. In this episode, I talk to you about real cases and real exercise that...
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S1 Ep7 - Consistency, why we struggle with it, and what to do.

Season #1

Consistency is the biggest issue women bring to me with their health, business and life. They say "I'm excited to get started, and then I stop". What most are unaware of is the ease found in following your own natural...
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S1 Ep8 - Unspoken Truths About Cellulite

Season #1

90% of women have it. Cellulite. In this episode I unpack what it is, and how you can reveal your most smooth legs and butt. I know some are totally accepting of it, and the truth is, we can make that tissue of your...
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S1 Ep6 - Neurotransmitters & DOSE Principle. Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Endorphins

Season #1

If you aren't aware of how to get your daily DOSE yet, you're in for a treat! Neurotransmitters influence our behaviour more than you realise - from the choices we make unconsciously, through to the foods, emotional...
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S1 Ep3 - Insulin Resistance, Blood Glucose and Energy

Season #1

Do you get hangry? Ever get shaky or clammy from missing a meal or eating something refined or sugary? You probably have issues with insulin resistance.Ā  If you get cravings regularly, like chocolate cravings, or...
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S1 Ep2 - What I Wish More Women Knew About Cortisol and Stress

Season #1

If you think you're not stressed, but you're busy everyday, you skip meals and you're so tired, living of caffeine to get up and wine or some other alcohol to wind down, this is the episode that will change your life!...
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S1 Ep1 - Fixing Women's Broken Metabolisms

Season #1

In this episode I delve into the science and some new ideas for ways to let go of old ways of eat less, exercise more and also how to tune into what your body needs to heal the metabolism. Women's hormones are...
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S1 Ep4 - Why You Should Eat Breakfast

Season #1

You've probably heard 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day' but have you really eaten breakfast everyday? Do you skip breakfast and then get super tired after you eat?Ā  Intermittent fasting can help some...
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